KB Care has an obligation and commitment to ensuring that feedback and complaints received about our services and people are managed effectively, timely and are used to inform our continuous improvement process.
Our system of managing complaints and feedback is concise and ensures compliance against National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018 and the Disability Services Act 2006 and affords procedural fairness.
Accurate and timely recording, management and response to complaints and feedback incidents will ensure that clients and their families receive appropriate support and outcomes when they raise a complaint or give feedback.
This policy applies to all KB Care employees, in relation to the services provided to the clients we support.
Policy Statement
A complaint is deemed to be when NDIS services or supports were not provided in a safe and respectful way, that were not delivered to an appropriate standard or unsatisfactory management of a complaint about services or supports provided to an NDIS client.
Feedback is considered to be any other opinion, suggestion or comment regarding the services we provide and our workers.
Complaints and feedback may be received via our website, in writing, phone or in person. Phone or in person may be verbal or other forms of communication that the client may use.
KB Care understands that complaints and feedback are an important part of ensuring we provide exceptional service and that anyone has the right to make a complaint or provide feedback in a way that they feel comfortable with, including anonymously.
We regard all complaints and feedback as opportunities for improvement in our services and will ensure that any client who makes a complaint or is connected to a complaint is not adversely affected.
Our process ensures that complainants are involved in the resolution of the complaint and are updated on the progress, actions taken and reasons for our decisions in a timely manner.
Goal and Objectives
All employees shall receive training and guidance in identifying and handling complaints in a sensitive and unbiased manner relevant level of their responsibility and authority.
Employees are provided information in how to understand when a client may not be happy about a service, person or situation and educated on how to discuss with clients if they would like to make a complaint, and how to support a client in making a complaint to either KB Care or the NDIS Commission, if the client request assistance.
KB Care will provide information to clients about their rights to make a complaint or provide feedback to KB Care and make a complaint to the NDIS Commission and how to do this.
We provide information on how and when we will communicate with a client regarding their complaint, and how the client is included in the resolution process.
clients have the right to access an advocate to assist them with or through the complaints process. This person can be of their choosing. We can assist the client in engaging an advocate from an independent advocacy service such as Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia.
All information is communicated with each client in a manner they are most likely to understand, and our complaints management process and advocacy is provided to clients during their onboarding into KB Care.
KB Care recognises the importance of understanding why complaints are made. Our system allows for us to collect statistical data to determine trends, review issues raised, the effectiveness of outcomes and report to the Commissioner where requested. We will also refer complaints or notify relevant authorities as required by Queensland Government and Laws.
This includes:
We will maintain confidential and secure electronic records of complaints, investigations, communications and outcomes for a minimum of 7 years.
Responsibilities and roles related to managing complaints have been determined and form part of the KB Care Business Structure document and position descriptions.
Complaint and feedback procedures (in the form of a flow chart) are in place that allow for timely and effective response. This chart clearly outlines the DSW and management responsibility.
Investigation of complaints shall be undertaken. The level and complexity of the investigation will be proportionate to the complaint received.
Complaints received and the outcomes and resolution actions taken shall initiate a procedural review, staff training and development and inform Continuous Improvement. This shall include seeking feedback from clients and support workers to incorporate into Continuous Improvement activities. We will also undertake a review of the overall process as part of our internal audits
Feedback received is considered by management and relevant workers to determine if it could assist in the continuous improvement process.
Complaints Process
The Complaints and Feedback procedure (flowchart) shows this process.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) and the NDIS rules
Queensland Disability Services Act 2006
The Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld)
Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld)
Disability Services Regulations QLD (2017)
To make a complaint to the NDIS call: 1800 035 544
or click the button below
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